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Melthucelha Smith
Melthucelha Smith

Mac Tools Et910 Manual

I had no problem spending $50 to $75 for a quality dwell tool too help keep my old cars running reliably. Doing all your own maintenance and repairs? You are already saving lots of money on hourly shop labor costs. You may want to spoil yourself a little and buy quality tools. To me, totally worth it.

Mac Tools Et910 Manual

Great information, folks. I have an 80s Sears that I picked up at the flea market for the price of a cheeseburger, but "12v only" so I didn't give it a try on my older cars. I'll have to give it a whirl. One neat thing: it was missing the owner's manual but it was still downloadable for free from Sears (or at least was 10 years ago.) 350c69d7ab


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