Install Qmail On Centos 7 Change Root
cd /var/qmail/aliasecho [email protected] >.qmail-rootcp .qmail-root,mailer-daemoncp .qmail-root,postmastercp .qmail-root,hostmastercp .qmail-root,abuseDownload and install checkpassword.
Install Qmail On Centos 7 Change Root
cd /usr/local/srcwget -0.22.tar.gztar xzf cmd5checkpw-0.22.tar.gzcd cmd5checkpw-0.22makevi Makefile## (change /usr/man/man8 to /usr/share/man/man8)make install
Edit:While I use Plesk, I've also got WebMin installed, and it tells me that the command to start Qmail is: "Just run rc script", while the command to stop it is: "Just kill qmail-send". I'm still a little lost though.
I try to install qmail on CentOS 6.6 x86 using tutorial from did it before with success on centos 5.10 and fedora (following witch is not longer available) both servers run like a charm for years with multiple domains.
Details for these section can be found at Control Files by NameThese need to changes because most of them has localhost as it's valueAfter change these values you might need to restart qmail
QmailToaster-Plus has provided and easy way to configure your QMT to updating SA rules and additional rules from, so to use command below, make sure QmailToaster-Plus is installed (qmailtoaster-plus-0.2.12-1.3.15 known has qtp-sa-update)
So messages which tagged with ***SPAM*** wont delivered on INBOX folder but stayed on SPAM folder. Users can see it when they using webmail (SquirrelMail).To enable it, you need to reinstall qmailadmin-toaster:
1) Migration to new hosta) On destination hostInstall QMT/CentOS 7, instructions here.toaststat (make sure all services are running)b) On source [cdb] hostdhost= (change destination [mysql] host to suit)ssh-keygenssh-copy-id $dhostssh $dhost (test, no password should be required)# The first rsync migrates the bulk of the email database with vpasswd files except those queued during syncrsync --progress -zv -are ssh /home/vpopmail/domains/ root@$dhost:/home/vpopmail/domains# Stop qmail/dovecot on source host and destination hostsqmailctl stop && systemctl stop dovecot# The second rsync, services stopped, migrates the balance of the email database # and control filesrsync --progress -zv -are ssh /home/vpopmail/domains/ root@$dhost:/home/vpopmail/domainsrsync --progress -zv -are ssh /var/qmail/control/ root@$dhost:/var/qmail/controlrsync --progress -zv -are ssh /var/qmail/users/ root@$dhost:/var/qmail/usersrsync --progress -zv -are ssh /etc/tcprules.d/ root@$dhost:/etc/tcprules.drsync --progress -zv -are ssh /etc/dovecot/toaster.conf root@$dhost:/etc/dovecotrsync --progress -zv -are ssh /etc/dovecot/local.conf root@$dhost:/etc/dovecot# Not necessary to the migrationrsync --progress -zv -are ssh /usr/share/toaster/include/admin.pass root@$dhost:/usr/share/toaster/includersync --progress -zv -are ssh /usr/share/toaster/include/admin.htpasswd root@$dhost:/usr/share/toaster/includersync --progress -zv -are ssh /usr/share/squirrelmail/plugins/ root@$dhost:/usr/share/squirrelmail/pluginsrsync --progress -zv -are ssh /etc/spamassassin/.spamassassin/ root@$dhost:/etc/spamassassin/.spamassassinrsync --progress -zv -are ssh /etc/spamassassin/ root@$dhost:/etc/spamassassinrsync --progress -zv -are ssh /var/lib/squirrelmail/prefs/ root@$dhost:/var/lib/squirrelmail/prefsc) On destination host# Convert vpasswd files to mysql vpopmail db, aliases must be handled manually/home/vpopmail/bin/vconvert -c -mqmailctl cdb && qmailctl start && sleep 2s && systemctl start dovecot && toaststat2) In place conversion*# qmailctl stop && systemctl stop dovecot# yum install -y yum-utils# yum-config-manager --enable qmt-current# yum reinstall qmail qmailadmin dovecot* ezmlm* vpopmail vqadmin# /home/vpopmail/bin/vconvert -c -m# qmailctl start && sleep 2s && systemctl start dovecot && toaststat* Aliases must be done manually. Will convert to many domain format if vpopamil was compiled with this optionQuestions, comments, suggestions, Eric on the QMT list
Please be patient with a newbie...I've been trying to install qmail on my F16 64 bit home machine for the past 3 weeks but haven't managed to get it running yet but I'm very hopeful despite the many many frustrations. I wanted to know whether i install dovecot after the successful installation of qmail or do i start my dovecot installation 'independent' of the qmail installation. Thanks for the great piece by....
Despite of the fact that you can have a dovecot successfull installation, if you don't have qmail or another MTA installed it doesn't make much sense having an imap server without the smtp service in order to transfer your emails around the world; at least you should have your MTA in another machine. So yes, you should install qmail firstly.
I would like to change the password of a user in the /etc/shadow.I can't use password changing programs like passwd. It must be done by editing the /etc/shadow. The /etc/shadow is on a mounted hard drive and chroot is not working.
As part of our security policies we will not use passwords to log into your system, and we will not store passwords in our support system. Our policy requires our support engineers to delete this information if you send it to us. Just follow the process below, that will install cryptographically strong keys that we will use to authenticate to your system instead of using a password. This will protect you as we wont have your root password, and no one will be able to steal it from us to access your system.
If you've done this before, and we've asked you to do this again please run the key installer again. We change our keys regularly for security reasons, so its vital you have the latest keys installed on your system. We wont be able to login in otherwise.
If you followed the process above, just remove the "atomic" user when you are finished, or if you allow root ssh login access then you will need to remove our ssh keys from the /root/.ssh directory. The script above will not provide us with any passwords to your system, it will simply install our keys as the "atomic" user (or if you allow root access, as the "root" user). Removal of those keys will also remove our access to the system.
ASL has its own, independent PHP engine that is only used by ASL web console daemon, tortixd, to power the ASL web console. ASL does not use your operating systems PHP installation, and ASLs independent PHP engine is not used by your web server, web applications or Operating system. ASL will not remove, replace, modify or upgrade or otherwise change your existing PHP installation. The asl-php RPMs are a completely separate independent isolated PHP engine that is not used by your operating system, or web server (apache, nginx, litespeed or any other web server), nor will they have any effect on any other application on your system, including any web or PHP applications.
Also, its important to recognize that ASL is a threat manager that repairs vulnerabilities on your system. Disabling ASL will not undo any vulnerability repairs you have instructed ASL to fix. If you want to undo a vulnerability repair in ASL, do not uninstall ASL. Simply change the action in the ASL GUI and run ASL in Fix mode to undo the repair.
Note: Your ASL GUI username and password are only used to log into your ASL installation. These are not to be confused with your License Manager credentials, which are used by ASL itself to log into the Atomicorp servers to securely download updates for your system. This procedure does not change your License Manager credentials.
If VMWare tools will compile, but you get an error from VMWares tools that it can not find kernel headers, you simply need to install them. Run this command as root to install the kernel source and headers:
If you have previously installed both, and VMWare is complaining that it can not find the source for the kernel, you simply need to upgrade the kernel-devel package. Run this command as root to do this:
[root@plesklinux control]# ls queuelifetimels: queuelifetime: No such file or directory[root@plesklinux control]# ../bin/qmail-showctl grep lifequeuelifetime: (Default.) Message lifetime in the queue is 604800 seconds.[root@plesklinux control]# echo 345600 > queuelifetime[root@plesklinux control]# /etc/init.d/qmail restartStarting qmail: [ OK ][root@plesklinux control]# ../bin/qmail-showctl grep lifequeuelifetime: Message lifetime in the queue is 345600 seconds.[root@plesklinux control]#
RT only knows how to send mail by passing it off to another program on the system. It does not connect or authenticate directly to external mail servers. In the default configuration, RT runs the standard sendmail command, which is provided by whichever MTA you have installed (postfix, sendmail, exim, qmail, etc.). There are configuration options to send mail through different commands if you need.
Abstract: Create CertificateGenerate key
Generate signing request
Sign the key
Create server certificate
Set permission
Set owner
Copy into place
Restart services
Application: Self-Signed Certificate# openssl genrsa -out x.key 2048
# openssl req -new -key x.key -out x.csr
# openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in x.csr -signkey x.key -out x.crt
# cat x.crt x.key > servercert.pem
# chmod 644 servercert.pem
# chown root:qmail servercert.pem
# cp -p servercert.pem /var/qmail/control
Application: Godaddy Signed Certificate# openssl genrsa -out x.key 2048
# openssl req -new -key x.key -out x.csr
Submit signing request (x.csr) to Godaddy; Later download signed key (crt and crt bundle)
# cat x.key 7531fdb8504afe19.crt gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt > servercert.pem
# chmod 644 servercert.pem
# chown root:qmail servercert.pem
# cp -p servercert.pem /var/qmail/control
Let's Encrypt CentOS 6 (Automatic, assumes working web server)# mkdir /opt/certbot
# cd /opt/certbot
# wget -auto
# chmod a+x certbot-auto
# ./certbot-auto --apache -d -d certonly --email --renew-by-default --agree-tos --text
Let's Encrypt CentOS 7/8 (Automatic, assumes working web server)# yum install python-certbot-apache
# certbot --apache -d -d
Add to Apache Virtual CentOS 6 & 7/8 SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/ SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/ SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
Add to Dovecot CentOS 6 & 7/8 ssl_cert =